Collection: Romantic & Sensual Scents

Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner, a quiet night in, or simply wish to fill your living space with scents that speak of love and tenderness, these candles are your companions in creating unforgettable memories.

Experience a Symphony of Senses

Crafting the perfect backdrop for love’s many expressions, Ylang ylang's intoxicating floral notes harmonise beautifully while the sweet, creamy richness of vanilla, sets a scene that's both elegant and profoundly comforting.

These scents invite you to slow down, breathe in the beauty of the moment, and open your heart to the possibilities of love.

Cultivate Meaningful Connections

Perfect for those who appreciate the art of romance and the power of scent to evoke emotion and desire, this collection is a tribute to love in all its forms.

Whether it's enhancing a special occasion or infusing the every day with a touch of romance, these candles invite you to explore the depths of your connection and to celebrate the love that blossoms in the quiet moments, shared between glances, laughter, and whispered confidences.