a cup of coffee and a book in hygge style

Minimalist Candles and the Wellness Trend Hygge: How it Benefits Us

Imagine stepping into a cozy, candle-lit room where the soft glow of a minimal candle illuminates simple, elegant decor.

Photo by by KatarzynaBialasiewicz from Getty Images Pro

This serene scene embodies the essence of hygge, a Danish concept that emphasizes comfort, contentment, and well-being through simple pleasures. As the wellness trend of hygge continues to gain popularity, minimal candles have become a central element in creating these tranquil spaces.

Clearly, it didn’t take long for the Danish concept of hygge (pronounced "hoo-ga") to captivate global imagination, answering the silent plea of hustling urbanites and presenting a pathway away from chaos to unparalleled comfort, contentment, and wellbeing.

Here, we touch on what constitutes the cozy essence of hygge, unfolding its manifold benefits for emotional, physical, and social wellness, and reveal some surprising insights on embedding this nurturing practice into our daily lives.

Huh, Hygge?

Photo by Anegada from Getty Images

At its core, hygge embodies the pursuit of everyday happiness, finding joy in the simplest of pleasures, and nurturing a sense of warmth and communal wellbeing. Originating from a Norwegian word meaning "wellbeing," hygge has been adopted by the Danes as a way to combat the long, dark Scandinavian winters, fostering an atmosphere of comfort and conviviality. 

The hygge concept transcends mere aesthetic, embedding itself into the Danish cultural ethos as a holistic approach to living, contributing significantly to their consistently high rankings in global happiness indexes.

Understanding hygge is crucial for anyone looking to enhance their quality of life through wellness practices: Hygge does not demand grand gestures; instead, it thrives on the minimal, the quiet, the unassuming. It is the warmth of a candlelit room, the comfort of a soft blanket, the joy of a convivial meal with loved ones. 

This concept, though simple, offers profound implications for enhancing our quality of life, promoting practices that support our overall wellbeing.

The Benefits of Hygge

Emotional Wellbeing

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Embracing this wellness trend offers a multitude of far-reaching benefits — notably, that hygge can lead to significant improvements in one’s emotional health. 

In a world that often prioritizes productivity over personal wellbeing, hygge invites us to slow down, to savor the moment, and to reconnect with our inner selves. It encourages the cultivation of an environment that nurtures emotional resilience, providing a sanctuary from the stresses of daily life.

The practice of hygge fosters mindfulness and gratitude, urging individuals to appreciate the beauty in the mundane. This mindful appreciation can help reduce anxiety and depression, elevating one's mood and creating a more positive outlook on life. 

Furthermore, by promoting an atmosphere of warmth and safety, hygge facilitates deeper, more meaningful connections with ourselves and those around us, enhancing our emotional wellbeing.

Physical Wellbeing

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Hygge’s influence extends beyond emotional health, offering tangible benefits for physical wellbeing, e.g., the emphasis on comfort and relaxation inherent in hygge practices can lead to reduced stress levels, lower blood pressure, and improved sleep patterns.

The hygge lifestyle often involves physical activities that are gentle yet invigorating, such as enjoying a warm cup of coffee, leisurely walks in nature, or practicing yoga by candlelight. These activities not only promote physical health but also enhance mental clarity and emotional equilibrium. 

Additionally, the social aspect of hygge, which includes communal meals and gatherings, can encourage healthier eating habits and a more active lifestyle — both of which are considered personal perks.

Social Wellbeing

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The communal aspect of hygge plays a crucial role in fostering social wellbeing.. The act of gathering around a meal, sharing stories by the fireplace, or engaging in group activities creates spaces of inclusivity and warmth, which will strengthen bonds and nurture a sense of belonging and community.

This emphasis on social connectedness is vital in combating loneliness and isolation, issues prevalent in many societies today. 

Hygge also encourages us to prioritize our relationships with others, not just of the self, offering a foundation for building and maintaining strong social networks. These connections are essential for emotional support, providing a buffer against stress and contributing to our overall happiness and quality of life.

Creating a Hygge Lifestyle

Photo by Adrian Seliga from Getty Images Pro

Incorporating hygge into your lifestyle does not require a complete overhaul of your daily routine — instead, it invites small, intentional changes that enhance comfort and wellbeing. 

Something to start off with is by creating a cozy, inviting space in your home, emphasizing soft lighting, comfortable seating, and personal touches that bring out comfort and joy.

You’d be reaping similar benefits by prioritizing quality time with loved ones, whether it’s through shared meals, leisurely walks, or simply engaging in conversation without the distractions of technology.

These small adjustments are all it takes to weave the essence of hygge into the fabric of your life, enhancing your wellbeing and deepening your connections with those around you.

Hygge Essentials: Scented Candles

It’s nearly impossible to discuss hygge without mentioning the pivotal role of scented candles in cultivating a cozy, inviting atmosphere. 

Subtly-scented candles play an integral role in the hygge wellness lifestyle, adding an element of sensory pleasure to the environment. The soft flicker of candlelight creates a soothing ambiance that is conducive to relaxation and mindfulness. It transforms the physical space into a sanctuary, making it easier to unwind and feel at peace.

The aromas from scented candles can also have a profound effect on mood and well-being. Different scents have the power to evoke memories, soothe the mind, and even reduce stress, respectively. For instance, lavender and vanilla are renowned for their relaxing/calming properties, while citrus scents can energize and uplift the spirit. 

Incorporating scented candles into daily routines can enhance the hygge experience by engaging the senses and promoting a deeper sense of relaxation and contentment.

Beyond their aesthetic and sensory appeal, scented candles symbolize the essence of hygge: The celebration of light, the joy of simplicity, and the nurturing of a warm, welcoming environment. They serve as a reminder to slow down, to breathe, and to savor the moment, providing a focal point for mindfulness and contemplation.

Hygge-inspired Scented Candles

Incorporating scented candles into your hygge wellness lifestyle can take many forms.

For instance, beginning or ending your day with a candlelit ritual can help set the tone for calm and relaxation; during a bath, lighting candles can create a spa-like atmosphere, allowing for a deeper level of unwinding; hosting a dinner with candles at the table can transform a regular meal into an intimate, memorable gathering, enhancing the communal aspect of hygge.

The warmth and aroma of aromatherapy candles perfectly complements the coziness and contentment of hygge — here are some delicious scent options to consider when crafting a hygge lifestyle:

Lavender Fields

A classic scent that evokes the tranquil beauty of lavender fields, perfect for relaxation and stress relief.

Cinnamon Spice

Ideal for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, this scent combines the sweetness of cinnamon with a hint of spice.

Forest Rain

Capturing the freshness of a rain-soaked forest, this candle brings the rejuvenating essence of nature indoors.

Vanilla Bean

A comforting and cozy aroma that adds a touch of sweetness to any room, making it feel like home.

Orange Zest

Bright and invigorating, this citrus scent energizes the space, perfect for mornings or when in need of a mood lift.

Sea Breeze

Bringing the calmness of the ocean into the home, this fresh scent is ideal for relaxation and reflection.

Peppermint Eucalyptus

A refreshing blend that clears the mind and soothes the senses, great for spa days at home.

Sandalwood Rose

Combining the deep, woodsy notes of sandalwood with the soft, floral scent of roses for a rich and romantic ambiance.

Moreover, selecting candles made from natural waxes and essential oils can add an element of eco-consciousness to the hygge practice, aligning with the lifestyle’s emphasis on simplicity and mindfulness towards the environment. 

Experimenting with different scents based on the season or mood can also enrich the hygge experience, making each moment unique and personal.

Hygge-inspired Activities for Wellbeing

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As mentioned earlier, the benefits of hygge wellness extends across various aspects of life to enhance emotional, physical, and social wellbeing. Here are some activities inspired by hygge that will nurture all three dimensions of wellbeing, and promote a balanced and contented lifestyle.

Emotional Wellbeing

  • Journaling by Candlelight

Spend time each evening reflecting on your day, jotting down thoughts and feelings by the warm glow of a candle. This can help process emotions and foster a sense of calm.

  • Creating a Comfort Corner
  • Designate a cozy nook in your home with plush pillows, blankets, and soft lighting where you can retreat with a book or simply to meditate and unwind.

  • Gratitude Practice
  • Start or end your day by listing three things you're grateful for. This practice can shift focus to the positive, enhancing overall emotional health.

    Physical Wellbeing

    Photo by zkruger from Getty Images


  • Nature Walks

    Embrace the outdoors with regular walks in nature, regardless of the weather. This not only provides physical exercise but also promotes mindfulness and stress reduction.

  • Comfort Cooking
  • Prepare and enjoy nourishing, homemade meals that warm the soul. Cooking can be a therapeutic activity, encouraging mindfulness and creativity.

  • Yoga or Gentle Stretching
  • Incorporate gentle physical activities like yoga or stretching into your routine to keep the body flexible and relieve physical tension, enhancing your physical wellbeing.

    Social Wellbeing
    Photo by Syda Productions
  • Hosting Intimate Gatherings
  • Invite a small group of friends or family over for a cozy evening of shared meals, games, or simply to enjoy each other's company in a warm, inviting atmosphere.

  • Community Volunteering
  • Engage in community service or volunteering activities. Helping others can foster a sense of belonging and connection, contributing to social wellbeing.

  • Craft Nights
  • Organize a craft night with friends or family members. Working on DIY projects together can be a fun way to connect and create meaningful memories.

    Conclusion: Hygge for You, Hygge for Me

    Photo by morrowlight from Getty Images

    Embracing the hygge lifestyle and incorporating elements such as scented candles into one's wellness routine can have profound effects on mental, physical, and social wellbeing — it encourages us to slow down, appreciate the simple joys in everyday life, and foster meaningful connections with others. 

    Creating a sanctuary in homes and hearts is but a trick both you and I can unlock through the cozy world of hygge. As we navigate through the complexities of modern life, let us remember the power of simplicity and the profound impact life can have on our overall wellbeing, and how hygge can indeed help us breeze through it all.

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